Friday, June 22, 2012

My Personal Journey/Interest through Conspiracy Theories

Since about High School, I've always been fascinated by conspiracy theories. I don't like that term, "conspiracy theory" because it tends to bring to mind negative, mentally unhealthy, and ignorant people clinging to half truths or debunked information. Most people understand this term though, so, I will use it only for this blog.

Growing up in the Roman Catholic Church is quite a unique experience and I wouldn't change it and I don't regret it, though I will never set foot in a catholic church again(aside from deaths and weddings(death)). But usually around grade school, for me it was high school, you begin to question it's validity and authority (if you have a brain). I sort of gave it the benefit of the doubt. At this time, my younger brother's friend came across his father's fundamentalist Catholic Conspiracy comic books.

These books were wonderfully illustrated, by the crazy fundamentalist, Jack Chick, mostly about stories involving a Jesuit priest, named Alberto Rivera. You may know of Jack Chick from those lovely little tracts, sometimes placed in bars and bathrooms, that tell you you're going to hell. Same guy, same company.

When you have thirteen years in catholic school,  some of your church history is a little one sided. The Spanish Inquisition may have been mentioned, but a lot of the details were left out. Any serious discussion of the RCC's strong anti-Semitic past was totally ignored, unless I missed class that day.

Through wonderful and graphic illustrations of violence, torture and crime, Alberto Rivera reveals his long and tragic experiences within the church, as a high ranking Jesuit. Alberto also discusses some ugly church history, especially the Inquisition (of-course), the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (no joke), and their Nazi ties (which is quite true and sad) along with many other things going on in recent history (take a guess).

A new world was opened up to me. I found myself getting sort of sick in the stomach as I was going through each page. The priests and the whole hierarchy became like demons to me. Holy communion became a satanic ritual. It was all fascinating, bizarre, sad, and disgusting. We did have many laughs over this too, and it was used to provoke my dad, who still goes to church to this day (god bless 'eem). Though, in hindsight, many (not all) claims put forth in this series had or have little or no backing, I'd have to say this would be the beginning of my c-fetish.
(Just recapping this story now makes me want to purchase that series, just for nostalgic reasons)

The Money Masters
A few years may have gone by, this was still the 1990s' and a small local TV channel in Pittsburgh aired an interesting documentary series. This was called "the Money Masters," by William Still. This was my first exposure to the racket they call the Federal Reserve Board. Yes, that private monopoly that prints worthless notes called the US Dollar. I read the book, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, rather quickly, and started to become fascinated with the topic of money. While I don't agree with Still's conclusion, which is that fiat currency (money backed by nothing) is still the way to go, just have the government do it instead of a private bank (he uses the island of Guernsey as an example), I found the historical information regarding monetary history, and how we got the FED (1913), to be quite intriguing. It kept my interest and attention. Still has since written a book titled, "the Secret of Oz" which goes back and adds to, and corrects some minor errors in "The Money Masters." You can youtube both of these series, and if you don't find it dry (which I didn't), you will learn a lot.

What's the Conspiracy:?: It's pretty extensive. A bunch of elites, including JP Morgan, among others and Senator Aldrich met in Jekyll Island, GA (just off the coast) around 1910 to create the Federal Reserve Act, which would allow a private monopoly on banking. They claim the Federal Reserve Act was pushed through Congress, and if you do research, you can find some interesting quotes about it from that time (Be careful though, there are a lot of bogus quotes used by Anti-Fed people). It is true that the Federal Reserve is a private institution, pretending to be public. It is true that they operate in secret and are somewhat unaccountable, though the president does appoint the head of the Fed. Currently it's Ben Bernanke.

I would suggest doing your own research to determine how much impact you think this institution has on our lives. You may discover they have a lot more power than any president or congressman. In the interest of time, I'll leave that up to you. 

(One day I will devote an entire blog, or blogs to this issue)

The New World Order Conspiracy
This one also got my attention in the mid to early 90s with the cold war over and Bill Clinton being in office and every militia being the terrorist (of course now it's the Arabs). "New World Order" is printed on the dollar bill so it must be true, right? This one usually ties in the Banks, the Masons, CFR, big business, and most of the countries of the world. This New World Order conspiracy seemed to fade away when GW Bush became president because we shifted our attention to the Middle East "freedom haters." (we'll talk about that one next) I've never read a complete and full explanation of this and if anyone has one, send it to me. Here are some general points to this theory, which I haven't really checked out in while. Please feel free to add or comment on these.

  • Loss of US Sovereignty, no more Constitution (that's already happened).
  • US Army put under control of a Global Government.
  • Global Currency.
  • Centralized One-World Government by big government/big corporate fascistic state.
This conspiracy has also been tied into religion and apocalyptic books in the Bible. This makes it even more amusing/compelling if you suspend disbelief. Some aspects of this theory that tie into religion are...

  • This One-World government is the revived Roman Empire spoken about in the Book of Daniel and Revelation.
  • The One-World government will then create a false religion which will be a mixture of dominant world religions such as Catholicism(the catholic church is popping up again), Islam, Hinduism, and maybe others. Those who don't accept this religion will be put to death.
  • The Global Currency will be the Mark of the Beast which will be an implanted micro-chip on the wrist used to buy and sell (straight out of Revelation). This technology currently exists.
  • Finally, this revived Roman Empire, the one-world government, will eventually all go against Israel in the end times.
Most, if not all, of the TV evangelists that speak about this are frauds and they will use current events along with handpicked Bible verses to push their always changing theories. Jack van Impe is a guy that used to entertain us with his enthusiasm and "insight" and his wife (caked on make-up) telling us it was going to all be over in 1995. I'm not sure if he is still on, but I highly recommend watching him for entertainment purposes and to get a better grasp of what I'm speaking of. He almost seems to have a coked-up vibe. Judge for yourself. He also has nice hair.

Moving away from the religious aspects of the NWO, here are a few groups that, rightly or wrongly, are associated with the New World Order plot.

  • Free Masons - a somewhat secret society that apparently has its hands in everything, or at least did. Refer to the pyramid on your dollar bill. They specialize in secret knowledge and maybe aliens. (I got to take a tour of their headquarters in London back in January).
  • Bilderbergers - this is a "legit" and secret group that is finally getting news coverage. It contains many of the elites, and was founded by an ex-Nazi after WW2. Check it out.
  • CFR - Council on Foreign Relations. Pretty much all cabinet members of our Presidents are a part of this group (since 1980). Look it for yourself.
There are others, but we need to move on. Currently, I haven't heard a whole lot about this like I did in the 1990's and it probably got more coverage back then because on September 11, 1991, Bush Sr., as president, mentioned the term "New World Order," in a speech he gave to congress. I believe there has always been a move towards centralized government. The idea of the few controlling the masses has always been with us. In most cases it really never seems to work, but with current technology, drones for instance, it seems that it is more possible for this to be achieved. Free Masons (those at the top), Bilderbergers and CFR are no doubt shady groups, without our best interests in mind, but I've never seen a solid connection between those guys and the New World Order. You can pull out quotes, here and there from various members of these organizations, and I think their intentions are not positive, but it's unclear, to me, how much or how deep their hands really are in things. Again, please feel free comment if you have differing views and insight to share. This blog really just scratches the surface of things. I wrote this just to get your feet wet.

Nick Berg/Beheadings
I took a break from conspiracies for awhile, always holding these ideas in the back of my brain. Then something happened in the news that really shook me up and re-awakened my interest in current events, government, and conspiracies.

A fellow, not to far from where I live was in Iraq doing telecommunication work, I believe. The story is a bit unclear, but apparently he fell into insurgents hands and was beheaded. The image was horrifying, and came out around the same time the Abu Ghraib story came. I'd never really seen a photo of a man holding another man's detached head and it really made an impact. I began to read up on this whole event and came across some sites that disputed the authenticity of it.

First off, the story is confusing about how insurgents got a hold of him. The Iraqi government(Pro US) said that they had him, then handed him over to the Americans, this story was disputed by the US Government. The men standing behind Nick Berg are not Arabs or Middle Eastern, they're oafish white men. He was clearly dead before they severed his head. There is more, again, research it for yourself.

This is when the term Psy-Ops was first made known to me. Staged, False-Flag events that the government or military use, via the phony corporate media, to persuade the population. The whole beheading was done so poorly you'd expect more from the military. Anyway, this event, which happened in 2004 led me to really start questioning things like 9/11. Let's move forward now.

I saw it, like many at the time, and was quite affected as was the desired result. The media played right along with the propaganda, and aired the thing thousands of times, and repeating the "official story" soon after it happened without any sort of serious questioning. Isn't that bizarre? You got to repeat that message over and over again if you're to brainwash the public. Beat it into their until everyone is wearing a goddamned flag (and some of those God-fearing "patriotic" Americans were even involved in beating up other innocent American citizens who might look a little darker, that resembled the enemy).

It took me about three years after that to really question the facts (refer to the last section on Nick Berg if you forgot already). I became quite fanatical about how this was an inside job and would bring up this issue nonstop. It seemed quite clear. I'd visit, Alex Jones site, constantly. Purchased some books, listened to lectures, etc. I'm still very certain there was government involvement, either in passive way, or in a direct and violent way. I've never heard a good explanation of Building 7 collapsing (huh? what's Building 7?). That just seems fishy. Many accounts of eyewitnesses, in the building, seem to also contradict the official story. God forbid anyone from Foxnews, CNN, or MSNBC question any of those people.

If 19 hijackers could really do the damage that they did, just acting alone, with the aide of Al-Quada (which was created and backed by the CIA) then we are really in trouble. Having said that, there are a lot of bullshit and whacky theories tied into 9/11, even, unfortunately, some with an anti-Semetic slant, which hurts the valid questions and arguments brought forth by intelligent people in questioning the event. I've read some of the debunking articles, and in many cases they seem to bring up a lot of these strawman arguments.

There are solid and thoughtful brains out there that have serious questions and when they have had "time" on network news, they usually have been silenced or not been allowed to really tell their story. They usually get cut off by the host (Check out BYU Professor Steven Jones on Tucker Carlsson). No one knows exactly what happened, really, those who claim to know exactly what happened, on either side, are kind of fooling themselves. But, history shows us that false-flags do occur and are used for more government control, or and excuse for war. It'd be wise to keep questioning. Far more money was spent investing Bill Clinton's exploits in the Oval Office, than what happened on September 11th.

I've highlighted just the main conspiracy theories that have impacted my philosophical outlook on government, and maybe religion to a lesser extent. If I'm being completely honest with myself and others, I can't say that these are all 100% correct, and, I am aware of the falsehoods and biases that are connected with these views. If there is anything positive that can be taken from any of the above situations is that it has placed on me, a general skepticism, maybe a dislike of strong, centralized authoritarian institutions and a strong desire for a return to individualism and localized rule and transparency. The moral of this story, blog if you will, is, in all circumstances, power corrupts,(strong centralized power corrupts), and can lead to some pretty ugly, oppressive and violent outcomes, often covered-up, and spun to fit specific "needs." While others may read this blog, disagree and even laugh hysterically, I will sleep better at night knowing that I don't hold onto those childish trusting views of the possibility of a helpful and loving government that have my best interests and the groups best interests in mind. This is no more superstitious/foolish than genuflecting to a wafer or a statue or a book.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Resolutions 2012

Here's a list of things I'd like to do before the summer's over. I hate that term "bucket list." NEVER USE THAT TERM around me. Here they are:

  1. Kayak the upper Delaware (near Port Jervis).
  2. Get to Montreal (either via train or Mazda).
  3. Get my side business started...officially.
  4. Go trout fishing.
  5. Start a serious conspiracy/news/blog website...
  6. Go to a Pittsburgh Pirates game (I have yet to visit the new stadium and it's like 10 + years old).
  7. Lose my little gut (not for superficial reasons, it just doesn't feel right).
  8. Go to a beach.
  9. Visit New England (either CT(birthplace), RI, or Maine).
  10. Cut out alcohol by 98%.
  11. Get on a boat of some sort.
  12. Take more control of things, without losing control of things.
  13. Do more/Talk less.
  14. Reduce FB usage by 75%.
  15. Go skinny dipping.
Maybe these have inspired you to come up with your own, or maybe this made you realize what a self-absorbed, attention-getting douchebag I am by putting these up here for all to see. Regardless, feel free to comment with your own, or tell me which ones of mine that you think are gay. If I remember, or if I am still alive, I will try to write a follow-up to this for those few pathetic souls, world-wide, that follow this poorly written blog that we know as "DaintyBones."


Monday, June 18, 2012

Back to Juicing?

Life is a series of ups and downs. There can be moments of great self improvement, progress, and healthy decisions, followed by degeneration, laziness, and toxic choices. You can get periods of intense happiness later leading to serious bouts of depression. Nothing is guaranteed. Those who truly live experience both. Some try to maintain a middle ground or balance. I've always struggled with that approach.

Shortly after a serious medical situation, a serious downer, I got motivated to be well and live healthy. I had spent about a good month ingesting lots of opiates and blood thinner medication and it totally messed up my head. As a response to that I pulled my old dusty juicer out and began to sort of obsessively juice as part of my rehabilitation. I ended my drinking and got on a little exercise routine.

I noticed results, not only physically, but mentally. I was a more positive person. I was motivated, and I had more energy. This was a time of good progress and it took a serious set back to bring that out.

Slowly but surely the bar crept back into the picture, as I am a social butterfly, and the positive habits I did have began to fade away in favor of the nightlife. I can't say I wasn't having a great time living it up at the bar most or a lot of nights, but mentally it took it's toll, along with "other" things.

A couple years later and I find myself wanting to go back to the juicing. I will start tonight. I have carrots and kale and ginger. I'm doing this because I'd like to have more energy and mentally, maybe be a little more positive if not more driven. For me, this will be work to consistently do it. It needs to become a religious obsession of sorts. I'm not swearing off booze or "other" things, I'm just going to give the juicing a try and see what it does. I know it's worked in the past and I trust I will feel it this time too.

I should probably do sit-ups as I'd hate for this hot bod to go to waste. Dig?

I will keep you posted.


My schedule works out that I can hop on the Lancaster train and arrive in Pittsburgh by Friday night. This was something that I had planned on doing and finally got around to it last weekend. Train travel is my preference for traveling, but due to our situation and planning here in the US, there aren't many routes you can take. Lancaster is only a half hour from Reading so it worked out quite well and efficiently.

Lancaster (Lanc'ster) station isn't all that big, which of course, makes it easier. Parking wasn't hard to find, though I've heard sometime they do get filled up. It's just 5$/day. No sweat. I shouldn't have been surprised by the number of Amish boarding the train, but there was a lot. I had to share a seat up until after Harrisburg, then I had my choice. At the first seat I moved to there was an annoying woman who was coming from New York and obviously loved to hear herself talk. It was getting pretty bad. I wanted to tell her to STFU, but I remained calm until I noticed another spot open right up from with super leg room. I then moved there and it was all good. I had the whole first row of seats to myself.

Amtrak train's, like most trains, I assume, are quite roomy and had wi-fi, and this trip included a cafe car, a place were you can load up on booze and snakes. I'm not much of drinker and I was perfectly content relaxing in my seat, so I didn't make the journey to the bar. Unfortunately on the way out, both bathrooms in our car were malfunctioning. The train bathrooms aren't horrible, just make sure you hold your nose as you're doing your business. I used them a few times.

Visually it's a pretty scenic trip. Especially, I think, after Lewistown. You get to see a lot of things not visible by the usual routes (rt. 76, rt. 30, rt. 22). Lots of small town stops along the way including Tyrone, Huntington, Altoona, Latrobe, and Greensburg. The conductress made a point to bring up the horse shoe curve, just west/south of Altoona (pictured below). I'm sure it has some significance. I just don't know what it is.

It was about a six hour trip, and the cost was just under $100 dollars round trip (which isn't much different than driving out there). If you're looking for a relaxing laid back trip, I'd recommend it. By the way, they don't check bags, if that means anything to anybody.

I might do this thing a few more times before the summer/fall is over.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

There are no Sins (The Weather and Vitamins and Testosterone the Mood.)

The older I get, the more the weather affects my mood. I mean, it's not like I'm depressed when it's a cold or rainy day, but over time and during a season it takes it's toll.

As summer comes along I'm much happier and energetic and I have more drive to do things.

Maybe it's always been this way and I'm finally realizing it. It probably all comes down to Vitamin D.

Yes, I can clearly say I notice a difference when I'm taking vitamins or Iron and especially testosterone. My head is more positive and clear and driven. Probably as it was intended to be. Confidence rises as well.

When you're young you don't think about that, even though I was a very lazy/apathetic child.

But laziness is a sin though. How responsible am I for my laziness if it all comes down to chemicals and weather?

The same goes for hormones and dirty thoughts, etc. It's easy to be celibate if you have mineral deficiencies and low T. How can someone be morally superior just because they are low in certain areas. It's all just chemical related.

There are no sins. I've done nothing wrong. Ever!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Honest Guy Always gets the Shaft.

I don't care if it's school, politics, with the ladies, or at the bar room, the honest upfront person always gets the shaft. Everybody has secrets and those secrets enslave them and make them fake pathetic surface people. The one that consistently runs his mouth in a truthful way is the biggest threat to the status-quo. By truthful way, I don't mean walking up to an ugly person and telling them that they're ugly. That's just wrong and verbally abusive. I also don't mean telling a girl your with that you want to sleep with her either. That's just stupid. By truthful I mean open and honest and no intentions of manipulating or making oneself out to be what they're not. Transparency is the laziest and easiest way to go so it's the one I strive for.

I've seen it my whole life at various levels. Look at the Republican primaries, probably the most truthful and honest politician of our lifetime, Ron Paul, got ridiculed for being completely straight forward about our shady military past(and present) and the dire economic situation that is currently hitting us all (in the 99%). Julian Assange gets accused of being a rapist because he has dangerous information. Most times when you hear of a mysterious death in the news it's probably because someone has some damning information.  Please refer to the D.C. madame.
((Examples of the honest man/woman getting the shaft))

The bar scene is a microcosm of this. While the drunk, unless completely enraged or provoked (with serious connections at the top), will not suspiciously poison your drink, or down the next airliner you fly on, he or she will probably hold a similar hostility to the free, confident and truthful soul. He or she may just mumble unclear passive aggressive put downs. At the heart of all of this are self esteem issues but that's another topic for another time. I will say this lack of esteem comes from hatred and secrecy of said person's own life that then gets transferred onto mister or misses "truth to power." When this happens the bad vibes get spread to the rest thus making the honest/liberated soul a huge target.
((This is an example of the honest man getting the shaft))

Countless times at the bar, I've seen the abusive, clearly dishonest and manipulating creeps walk away with the ignorant broad. It happens so much I'm really no longer sympathetic. I've seen the most feminist ladies fall prey to such manipulation thus negating any of their passionate (yet sometimes naive) viewpoints. What's obvious to most honest guys about other guys seems quite unclear to the ladies. Sure alcohol is involved, but god, the gimmicks and nonsense they fall for is just really sad. I'm so jaded I almost find myself rooting for the liars just for entertainment purposes, unless they drag me into their bullshit, which, believe it or not, has happened before. Please take note that I'm not generalizing and I'm not saying all women. The single lady friends that I surround myself with I would like to think are more intelligent than that or at least striving to not be so pathetic and gullible. But, to sum this all up, the honest guy will find himself, in many occasions, leaving the bar alone, only to go home to half full little bottle of Astroglide. Weeks later only to hear from those girls about how horrible this person is how much damage is done which ultimately drains energy and time.
((An example of the honest man getting the shaft))

Before I close out this entry completely, please also realize that I'm not dissing the bar scene or even people that drink a lot because most people, most good people, I associate with, are in that category, and sitting next to them and joking (generally poop and sodomy humor) around in that setting is one of the few things I enjoy these days. What I am calling out are those few shady secretive souls, here and there, that I've come across in my life, that have nothing better to do than creep on women in a manipulating fashion. A common thread between most of them is their poor sense of humor, dead and boring vibe, and their lack of conversation skills. You can kind of tell they have "demons" (I hate that expression but I'll use it anyway) and that they're either trying to hide or impress. You'll never have any kind of serious or meaningful exchange with them. It's best to just move down a few bar seats keep your own nose humbly in your Boddingtons.

Let it be known, while this may sound like an angry whiny rant it really isn't. It's just some accurate and maybe some distorted observations I've made in the distant and recent past. Of course, as I do with many of my posts, I've hammed it up, over exaggerated a little, and sprinkled it with a little inflammatory language for entertainment purposes. My own entertainment. However, I do believe the spirit of this blog to be pretty dead on. Have a great Wednesday.

Enjoy or hate.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Throwdown Diaries: Another Food Competition

My friends and I, on occasion, like to mimic the Food Network's Throwdown programme. You know, the one hosted by that arrogant New York f### Bobby Flay. These started when I started making pizza from scratch and found out another friend of mine made pizza from scratch. The trash talking began at a garden party, and so, we eventually decided on making a whole party/event of these food competitions. We had judges, categories and we tabulated scores and announced winners.

A lot was learned during these events. I got obsessed (as usual) and experimented with various ways to make pizza and really perfected my dough and sauce. Research was done. And I'd like to believe that everybody raised their game for this event. This is not something you can half ass if you wish to win.

We haven't had a throwdown in a while. There will be one this weekend. The topic will be burritos. A couple years ago I got into making burritos and beans and all that good stuff, sometimes using habaneros and even ghost chilis at times. I would use, probably as most people here, store bought ingredients, canned beans, pre-made green sauce, etc.They still turned out great.

Due to the Throwdown (this is number 5) though, the bar will have to be placed a little higher. This competition has lead me to do some mild studying, in learning how to make mostly everything from scratch. This will be another adventure. Honestly, I'm slightly concerned about the homemade burrito shells, and I will have back ups on hand in case they fall apart. I do have confidence in my dough making abilities cause I do make a pretty serious thin and tasty pizza crust, but this is a different approach. I will do a practice run.

Tonight I plan to play around with a green sauce and I have all the usual ingredients but I've purchased a few different types of dried chilis to play around with. This may or may not work, I might just have to keep it simple and straight forward.

Friday I will make beans from scratch, which I'm embarrassed to say I've never done. It shouldn't be hard, except for the fact that I'm trying to get a hold of some rendered duck lard, because I don't eat pork products (for the most part).

Before the serious and intense labour is done, the kitchen needs to be seriously prepped. I create certain stations, one for making the shells, maybe one for the beans, skirt steak, sauce, etc. I believe I have acquired a grille for Saturday, which is essential for my approach. The manner in which the meat is treated will be vital to the outcome. Skirt steak isn't hard. It will be fine.

I'm going up against friends and others I don't know. Weeks ago I've started degrading and putting down all competitors to get in their heads and intimidate them. Deep inside I have respect for all competitors but I can't let them see that. Trash talking improves and inspires everyone else to do their best and beat the asshole (in this case, me) who is running his mouth. But they won't.

I get a little nervous before winners are announced. Me and my ego don't like losing these things and sometimes inside, I've questioned the sensitivity of the taste buds of some of the judges. I bring a lot of heat to my game and I'll be damned if some white bread dutchie who has a diet of meat and potatoes their whole goddamned life rules against me because I've decided to add another seasoning other than salt and pepper. Don't get me started!

Anyway. Less than a week away and I'm starting to again feel the fire again. I'm entering unchartered territory for me, on many of these ingredients. May the best person win. Competition brings out the best in all of us, as long as we remain mature and respective of others while competing.
